About us
Campus Location
The Campus of Bahia Adventist College is located in the Bahian Reconcavo, 3 km from the headquarters of the municipality of Cachoeira, 46 km from Feira de Santana (via BR-101) and 130 km from Salvador, being on BR-101, km 197, Capoeiruçu Road, n/n km 197.
Institutional Philosophy
THE BAHIA ADVENTIST COLLEGE (FADBA) is an educational institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, based on the biblical worldview, committed to the Christian work of redemption and the integral training of competent professionals for the responsible exercise of citizenship and service to the community.
Consolidate itself as an Adventist university centre of excellence in the formation of competent missionary leaders and professionals, through experiential teaching methods, centred on everyday problems.
Institutional principles:
Acceptance of the Bible as the foundation for all institutional activities;
belief in the existence of a transcendental reality, which cannot be understood in its entirety through only the senses or reason, therefore, the acts of the revelation of God are necessary, which are allies of science and reason in the process of discovery and advancement of knowledge;
Respect and appreciation of the human being, created by God in his image and likeness, as an intelligent, free, responsible, social and spiritual being;
Planning and execution of curricular acts with the purpose of restoring in human beings the ideal condition in which God created them;
Decision-making by managers, teachers, employees and other employees guided by the principles of Christianity, as expressed in institutional values, ensuring a healthy study and work environment;
Preparation of the student in a perspective of integral development that promotes emotional balance, harmonious interaction with society and nature, and the ability to maintain proper conduct in a context of freedom with responsibility, health care and the proper relationship with God; and
Commitment to missionary service on behalf of others, motivated by love for God.
Institutional objectives:
Develop an institutional community with an emphasis on love of God and love of neighbour as a fundamental rule for all levels of interaction;
Prepare students to reach their highest potential, which includes a life of joy and selfless utility, expressing social sensitivity and loving concern for the well-being of others;
Contribute to the training of professionals with a global vision and with the necessary skills to act in different contemporary situations, who know how to express themselves in an ethical, analytical and creative way in the face of different contexts and organizational and social challenges;
Develop research based on current dilemmas, emphasizing the solution of local, regional, national and international issues in a scientific way;
Encourage learning, innovation and the dissemination of culture, the arts, science and technology;
Foster, permanently and systematically, the process of teacher training and professional development; and
Contribute to the promotion of changes and improvements in the community through extension programs and specialized services, in support of civil society and government agencies.
Institutional values:
Promoting peace as an expression of justice and equity between people;
Making informed decisions with serenity and balance;
Experiencing joy and fidelity in exercising rights and fulfilling duties;
Adopting the practice of patience, kindness and kindness in interpersonal relationships; and
Acting with social responsibility, with the community, promoting education, economy, society and spirituality.
Board of Directors
General Direction
Pr. Dr. Eber Liessi
He graduated as a bachelor in theology from the Centro Universitário de Maringá, holds a master's in theology and a doctorate in pastoral theology from the Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo.
Academic Direction
Lilian Anabel Becerra de Oliveira
She holds a Master's Degree in Medicine and Human Health - Bahian School of Medicine, Master's Degree in Physiotherapy - Andrews University, USA, Graduated in Physiotherapy - Universidad de la Frontera, Chile, Specialty in Orthopedics and Public Health.
Administrative Direction
Ilvo dos Santos Coutinho
Graduated in accounting sciences, he has a course in theological studies from the Adventist College of Bahia and a master's degree in leadership from Andrews University.
Student Welfare and Spiritual Development Directorate
Pr. Herbert Cleber Chair
He graduated in theology from Bahia Adventist College; he holds a master's degree in leadership from Andrews University and is a doctoral student in theology.
Academic Secretary - Gisele
Academic Secretary - Cleide
Undergraduate courses
Accounting Sciences
Information technology management
Course coordinators
Nursing - Raimon Rios
Physiotherapy - Diego Patricio
Nutrition - Jean Moraes
Psychology - Wilma Ribeiro
Dentistry - Juan Barrientos
Theology- Flávio Souza
Pedagogy - Gal Oliveira
Administration and accounting - Ivo Junior
Law - Neander
GTI - Jean do Ouro
Education, Health, Management, Psychology and Theology.
Language school
Portuguese, Spanish, English.
Music school
Courses offered:
Annual certification
Practical and theoretical classes
Individual and group plans
Prof. Pablo Sanches - Bachelor of Piano (UFMG), Specialist in Conducting (UFG), Master of Theology (EST).
Profa. Juliana Sanches - Bachelor of Piano (UFMG), Specialist in Piano Performance (UFG).
Symphonic Orchestra - 40 instrumentalists
Youth Orchestra - 15 instrumentalists
Pre-Orchestra - 15 instrumentalists
Camerata (musical group specialized in chamber music) - 10 instrumentalists
University Choir - 160 voices
COMUNI Choir - 100 voices
Young Choir - 90 voices
Teen Voices - 60 voices
Children's Choir - 80 voices